- Site rules
- No cooking is permitted in the parking area other than designated areas (signages visible along the fence line) If you're unsure where the designated cooking areas are please ask a member of our security personnel. Not adhering to this may cause lorry fires, resulting in possible injury or death to others, and carries a long jail term sentence in the UK.
- Electric Plug-ins – Due to government compliance regulations, AIT must plug in the first 30 fridge (Frigo) trucks. This is a regulation we as the Management company must abide by to run the site and avoid closure.
Note: the 90p per hour charge is not a money-making exercise this fee covers the cost of the electricity used. We regularly check pricing against cost to keep this to a minimum
- Damage to site property up to £300.00 will be charged to you the customer on the day, for anything over this amount, we will require you to provide insurance details.
- If you cause damage to another vehicle, you must provide insurance details to one another.
- Do not use wipes when using the toilets, please use the paper provided as it causes blockages and drainage issues.
- Please use the toilets provided, we do not permit you to use any part of the grounds for this purpose.
- Do not wash clothing in the showers as this creates a waste of hot water which is needed by other customers. Please use the laundry area provided.
- Unpaid charges from previous visits from your company may be applied on the day to your park. (We will notify your company in advance to avoid any disruption to your journey).
- Noise pollution – Noise levels (music, social gatherings, general engine revving, shouting etc) between 10pm and 6am. Keeping noise levels down during these hours shows consideration and respect to your fellow drivers who are trying to get a good night’s sleep. A tired driver may cause accidents.
- Abusive behaviour toward employees, vice versa or other drivers is prohibited and will not be tolerated. Respect others as you would want to be respected yourself.
- No Sexual comments or advances towards our members of staff or other customers.
- No Racist comments or actions towards our members of staff or other customers.
- No theft anywhere in the park. This is a criminal offence and will be dealt with by the police
- Site Gym rules must be abided by. (Please see at reception for all T&C’s)
- Gym wear is to be always worn, removal of upper body garments is not permitted.
- Wear Trainers, not shoes.
- No damage to gym equipment nor removal of equipment from the site permitted.
- Parking must be within the spaces provided unless otherwise stated by a manager or guard. If you are required to move, please do so without argument. We are authorised to stamp and sign your ‘taco’ for proof of vehicle movement.
- Blocking entrances/ exits/ approach roads is a criminal offence as these may be required for emergency services. You will be reported, removed and banned from the site.
- Weapons are not permitted on site. Guns, knives, and other offensive weapons, blades and corrosive substances are criminal offences.
- Smoking or vaping is only permitted outside in designated areas.
- Being drunk and disorderly is not permitted on site. Please know your limits. You may be required to show your I.D. to purchase alcohol or be refused. (Challenge 25 rule applies)
- Alcohol - If we feel you are over the limit, we will ask you to complete a breath test to drive your vehicle. Refusal and usage of your vehicle may give us no choice but to ask the Police to attend.
- Being under the influence of drugs is not permitted on site is a criminal offence.
- Assault offences will be reported to the police.
- Illegal waste dumping, leaving tyres, etc, is chargeable. You are on CCTV and we do have your details. Fines will be issued, please arrange with the repairer to remove any unused parts.
- Please be patient when being served at the tills, our staff are only doing their job.
- Selling counterfeit goods, cigarettes, alcohol, and illegal substances are reportable offences.
- No consumption of food or drink in the building unless purchased from us
- Gifting staff could be recognised as bribery, please refrain from doing so.
- Taking photos of staff on site is prohibited unless you have their consent. If it is regarding an issue with a member of staff, please ask for their name.
- Documentation must be provided should your registration number not be recorded against your company’s account or ask for the Duty Manager
- At AIT, we pride ourselves on equality and diversity. If you feel this has not been met, please report to Reception to complete a complaints form
- If you have any issues/complaints, please report to reception where you can complete a complaints form. These will be investigated